In [81]:
from IPython.display import Image, HTML

In [82]:
function code_toggle() {
 if (code_show){
 } else {
 code_show = !code_show
$( document ).ready(code_toggle);
The raw code for this IPython notebook is by default hidden for easier reading.
To toggle on/off the raw code, click <a href="javascript:code_toggle()">here</a>.''')

The raw code for this IPython notebook is by default hidden for easier reading. To toggle on/off the raw code, click here.

In [83]:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from pandas_datareader import data
from datetime import datetime

In [84]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Hedging: with Reinforcement Learning?

Walter Freyn

Miguel Vaz


Our employers are not to blame!

About ourselves

In [85]:



In [86]:


Finance and risk management

In [87]:


Walter likes algebraic geometry ...

... and string theory

In [88]:


In [89]:


Miguel worked with robots...

... and sees networks everywhere

In [90]:


We both find AI cool

In [91]:


and math finance as well

In [92]:


Can / should one connect both worlds?

In [93]:


We need a cool problem!!

In [ ]:

In [94]:


In [95]:


first iteration was too much

In [96]:


New Toy: Hedging


  • Some data: look at some stock price series
  • devise a model for stock price series: Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM)
  • Example for a contingent claim: call option
  • Pricing of a call option under the assumtpion of GBM
  • Challenges

Some data: look at some stock price series


In [97]:
aapl = data.DataReader('AAPl', 'yahoo', '2000-1-1')

print(ibm['Adj Close'].head())
%matplotlib inline
ibm['Adj Close'].plot(figsize=(12,7))
plt.title('Price history of IBM stock');
# ## Plan

# - Some data: look at some stock price series
# - devise a model for stock price series: Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM)
# - Example for a contingent claim: call option
# - Pricing of a call option under the assumtpion of GBM
# - Challenges

# ## Some data: look at some stock price series

2000-01-03    87.761136
2000-01-04    84.782175
2000-01-05    87.761136
2000-01-06    86.248013
2000-01-07    85.869732
Name: Adj Close, dtype: float64


In [98]:
ibm = data.DataReader('IBM', 'yahoo', '2000-1-1')

print(ibm['Adj Close'].head())
%matplotlib inline
ibm['Adj Close'].plot(figsize=(12,7))
plt.title('Price history of IBM stock');

2000-01-03    87.761136
2000-01-04    84.782175
2000-01-05    87.761136
2000-01-06    86.248013
2000-01-07    85.869732
Name: Adj Close, dtype: float64

There are many other financial instruments

What we have now prices of financial instruments:

- bonds (assume: fixed price)
- stocks
- exchange rates
- oil
- dots

$\Longrightarrow$ Tradeables with variable prices

We can form a portfolio by

- holding some cash (possibly less than 0, that's called debts)
- buying some stock/currency etc. (perhaps less than 0, that's called 'short)

Why do we need more ?

  • you want to play
  • you are producing something and you want to assure, that the prices you achieve in one year are suffiientlyone a stock, and arewant to protect yourself against lower prices
  • you want to protect yourself against higher prices
  • you want to protect yourself against an increase in volatility
  • you want to protect yourself against extreme price movements
  • you want to ...

$\Longrightarrow$ Essentially you want to be able to control the final value of your portfolio!

You go the bank, the bank offers you some product, you buy and are happy ....

Obligations for the bank

  • construct a product
  • price the product
  • hedge the product

For this talk, we take one of the easiest such products:, a call option.

Call Option

Call option on a stock $S$ with strike price $K$ and expiry $T$:

The buyer of the call option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy $1$ stock $S$ (the underlying) from the seller of the option at a certain time (the expiration date $T$) for a certain price (the strike price $K$).

Payoff: $$C_T =\max(0, S-K)\,.$$


Example: you want to buy a stock next year, 01.01.2018, for 100.

What to do?

Buy now a call for 100 (strike price).

Next year you will have two distinct cases:

  • stock trades at 80 < 100 $\Longrightarrow$ buy stock for 80 Euro, forget call option - it call is worthless
  • stock trades at 120 > 100 $\Longrightarrow$ use call to buy stock for 100

How to price the call option?

  • match expectations
  • utility pricing
  • arbitrage free pricing $\Longrightarrow$ this is the price, enforced by the market
  • ...

What is a fair price for an option with strike price $K$ and expiry $T$? If the stock trades at a price $S$ at time $T$, then the payoff is:

Payoff: $C_T =\max(0, S-K)\,.$

If the interest rate is $r$, we discount future cashflows with $e^{- r T}$. Thus if the stock traded at price $S$ at expire, the resulting cash-flow would be worth(time $t = 0$) $$C_0 = e^{- r T} \max(0, S-K)\,.$$

Problem: we do not know $S_T$ at time $0$.

Solution: we take the expectation of $S$. This yields

$$C_{0, S} = e^{- r T} \mathbb{E}\left[ \max(0, S-K)\right]\,.$$

Caveat: We have hidden a lot!!

The formal deduction is complicated via arbitrage free pricing and the Feynmann-Kac-theorem

Where does the expectation come from?

Theoretical model for stock price movements: Geometric Brownian motion

For the apple chart one can see, that price increments seem to correlate with the price: thus we plot logarithmic prices:

Let us plot the data logarithmically:

In [99]:
Log_Data = plt.figure()
%matplotlib inline
aapl['Log Adj Close'] = np.log(aapl['Adj Close'])
aapl['Log Adj Close'].plot(figsize=(12,5))
plt.ylabel('logarithmic price')
plt.title('Logarithmic price history of Apple stock');

# aapl = data.DataReader('AAPl', 'yahoo', '2000-1-1')

# print(ibm['Adj Close'].head())
# %matplotlib inline
# ibm['Adj Close'].plot(figsize=(10,6))
# plt.ylabel('price')
# plt.xlabel('year')
# plt.title('Price history of IBM stock')

Now the roughness of the chart looks more even $\Rightarrow$ We should model increments proportional to the stock price!

Assumptions of model

This leads us to some assumptions for the stock price process:

  • the distribution of relative changes is constant over time
  • Small changes appear often, large changes rarly: changes are normally distributed

    $\Rightarrow$ use an exponential Gaussian distribution for increments: $$S_{n+1} = S_n e^{\sigma X+ \mu} $$ where $X \sim N(0,1)$, $\sigma$ denotes the variance and $\mu$ the mean growth rate.

Let us simulate this: typical values for $\mu$ and $\sigma$ per year are:

  • $\mu_y= 0,08$
  • $\sigma_y = 0.2$

$\Rightarrow$ assuming 252 business days a year we get $$\mu = \mu_d = \frac{\mu_y}{252}\sim 0.0003$$ $$\sigma = \sigma_d = \frac{\sigma_y}{\sqrt{252}}\sim 0,012$$

In [100]:
S0 = 1
sigma = 0.2/np.sqrt(252)
mu = 0.08/252

In [101]:
%matplotlib inline
for i in range(0, 5):
    r = np.random.randn((1000))
    pd.Series(S0 * np.cumprod(np.exp(sigma *r +mu))).plot(figsize=(10,6))
#     plt.plot(S0 * np.cumprod(np.exp(sigma *r +mu)))

Black Scholes formula:

Black-Scholes Formula for the call price:

$${\displaystyle C(S_{t},t)=e^{-r(T-t)}[S_tN(d_{1})-KN(d_{2})]\,}$$

In [102]:
plt.plot(np.linspace(sigma, 4., 100), call(1., 1., .9, np.linspace(0.1, 4., 100), 1.));

$${\displaystyle d_{1}={\frac {1}{\sigma {\sqrt {T-t}}}}\left[\ln \left({\frac {S_{t}}{K}}\right)+(r-q+{\frac {1}{2}}\sigma ^{2})(T-t)\right]}$$
$${\displaystyle d_{2}=d_{1}-\sigma {\sqrt {T-t}}={\frac {1}{\sigma {\sqrt {T-t}}}}\left[\ln \left({\frac {S_{t}}{K}}\right)+(r-q-{\frac {1}{2}}\sigma ^{2})(T-t)\right]}$$

$\Delta$ describes the change in the price of the option if the stock price changes by $1$.

Black Scholes formula for the Delta:

$$ \Delta(C, t) = e^{-r(T-t)} N(d_1)$$

In [103]:
d_1 = lambda σ, T, t, S, K: 1. / σ / np.sqrt(T - t) * (np.log(S / K) + 0.5 * (σ ** 2) * (T-t))
d_2 = lambda σ, T, t, S, K: 1. / σ / np.sqrt(T - t) * (np.log(S / K) - 0.5 * (σ ** 2) * (T-t))

call = lambda σ, T, t, S, K: S * sp.stats.norm.cdf( d_1(σ, T, t, S, K) ) - K * sp.stats.norm.cdf( d_2(σ, T, t, S, K) )
Delta = lambda σ, T, t, S, K: sp.stats.norm.cdf( d_1(σ, T, t, S, K) )

In [104]:
#plt.plot(np.linspace(sigma, 4., 100), Delta(1., 1.,  .9, np.linspace(0.1,   4., 100), 1.))

plt.plot(np.linspace(sigma, 1.9, 100), Delta(1., 1., 0.2, np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100), 1.))
plt.plot(np.linspace(sigma, 1.9, 100), Delta(1., 1., 0.6, np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100), 1.))
plt.plot(np.linspace(sigma, 1.9, 100), Delta(1., 1., 0.9, np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100), 1.))
plt.plot(np.linspace(sigma, 1.9, 100), Delta(1., 1., 0.99, np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100), 1.))
plt.plot(np.linspace(sigma, 1.9, 100), Delta(1., 1., 0.9999, np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100), 1.))
plt.xlabel("Price/strike price")
plt.legend(['t = 0.2','t = 0.6', 't = 0.9', 't = 0.99', 't = 0.9999'], loc  = 2);

Delta Hedging!


  • 1) the price depends on the calibration of $\sigma$! Parameters may not be constant over time!
  • 2) the price depends on the validity of the model

The main problem is the second one:

$\sigma$ and $\mu$ may change over time. Hence changes of volatility should adapted in the price $\Longrightarrow$ new more complex models describing stochastic volatility are introduced, for example:

  • Heston model,
  • Ball-Roma model,
  • SABR-model and many more

B) let us look at the log-returns:

In [105]:
np.histogram(np.diff(aapl['Adj Close']))

plt.hist(np.diff(aapl['Adj Close']), bins='auto')  # plt.hist passes it's arguments to np.histogram
plt.title("Histogram of daily returns for Apple")

This is not a normal distribution!

2) normally distributed increments are not realistic. Real distributions are

  • Heavy tails:
  • Gain/Loss asymmetry
  • Aggregational Gaussianity
  • Intermittency (parameter changes over time)
  • Volatility clustering
  • Leverage effect
  • Volume/volatility correlation:
  • Slow decay of autocorrelation in absolute returns:
  • Asymmetry in time scales

(see for example: Rama Cont: Empirical properties of asset returns: stylized facts and statistical issues, Journal of quantitative finance, Volume 1 (2001) 223–236)

In [ ]:

Hedging is a control problem

Delta hedging!

In [106]:
S0 = 1.5                    # start price
K = 1.0                     # strike price
mu = 0                      # average growth
sigma = 0.2/np.sqrt(252)    # volatility
N = 10000                   # runs
M = 252*4                   # length of each run (252 business days per year times 4 years)

In [107]:
def call_price(S, K):
    return max(0.0, S-K)

In [108]:
def MC_call_price(S0, K, mu, sigma, N, M):
    CSum = 0
    SSum = 0
    for n in range(N):
        r = np.random.randn((M))
        S =  S0 * np.cumprod(np.exp(sigma *r))
        SSum += S
        CSum += call_price(S[M-1], K)
    return CSum/N

Bellmann Equation

The equation for the optimal policy is referred to as the Bellman optimality equation:

$$V^{*}(s)=\max _{a}\left{{R(s,a)+\gamma \sum _{s'}P(s'|s,a)V^{*}(s')}\right}.$$

It describes the reward for taking the action giving the highest expected return.

In [ ]:

Reinforcement Learning

In [109]:



A Policy is a way of finding the appropriate action given the environment.

The agent must find the policy $\pi : S \rightarrow A$ to optimize the total reward

$$R_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma r_{t+2} + \gamma^2 r_{t+3} + \ldots$$


$$ 0 \le \gamma \le 1$$

Value Functions

In Reinforcement Learning, learning a policy is based on estimating value functions.

A value function $V^{\pi}$ represents the expected future reward for a current state, if the agent follows a policy $\pi$

Action-value function

The value function $Q(s,a)$ defines how good it is to take action $a$ when in state $s$.

When the model of the environment is unavailable, the value function has to be learned.

The hedging problem

In [110]:
The optimal policy is know under the assumptions.

  File "<ipython-input-110-a81216c54ea4>", line 1
    The optimal policy is know under the assumptions.
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Action Space

Buy / sell stock

World State

  • $\frac{S}{K}$ Stock price relative to strike of option
  • $\tau$ time left till exercise
  • $number of stocks?$


$${\underbrace {max(S_T-K, 0)}_{\rm{call~option-payoff~at~maturity}}} + {\underbrace {n \times S_T}_{\rm{stock~value}}} + \rm{cash} $$

In [ ]:
$$R_T = - \mid \mid {\underbrace {max(S_T-K, 0)}_{\rm{call~option-payoff~at~maturity}}} + {\underbrace {n \times S_T}_{\rm{stock~value}}} + \rm{cash} \mid \mid $$

In [ ]:


Simplest off-policy algorithm

$$ {\displaystyle Q(s_{t},a_{t})\leftarrow \underbrace {Q(s_{t},a_{t})} _{\rm {old~value}}+\underbrace {\alpha _{t}} _{\rm {learning~rate}}\cdot \left(\overbrace {\underbrace {r_{t+1}} _{\rm {reward}}+\underbrace {\gamma } _{\rm {discount~factor}}\cdot \underbrace {\max _{a}Q(s_{t+1},a)} _{\rm {estimate~of~optimal~future~value}}} ^{\rm {learned~value}}-\underbrace {Q(s_{t},a_{t})} _{\rm {old~value}}\right)} $$
  • Initialize $V(s)$ arbitrarily
  • Repeat for each episode
  • Initialize s
  • Repeat (for each step of episode)
    • $\alpha \leftarrow$ action given by $\pi$ for $s$
    • Take action a, observe reward r, and next state s'
    • $V(s) \leftarrow V(s) + \alpha [r + \gamma V(s') - V(s)]$
    • $s \leftarrow s'$
  • until $s$ is terminal

In [ ]:

Open Problem

Off-policy does not always converge with function approximation.

An alternative: SARSA

Derivation of Q-learning with on-policy estimation of future value.

$$ {\displaystyle Q(s_{t},a_{t})\leftarrow \underbrace {Q(s_{t},a_{t})} _{\rm {old~value}}+\underbrace {\alpha _{t}} _{\rm {learning~rate}}\cdot \left(\overbrace {\underbrace {r_{t+1}} _{\rm {reward}}+\underbrace {\gamma } _{\rm {discount~factor}}\cdot \underbrace {Q(s',a')} _{\rm {on-policy~estimate~of~optimal~future~value}}} ^{\rm {learned~value}}-\underbrace {Q(s_{t},a_{t})} _{\rm {old~value}}\right)} $$

But is on-policy and does find as good policies.

Additional Problem: need to choose function approximation!

In [ ]:

Cross Entropy Optimization

Define the value-state function as

$$ A = W S + b $$

1: generate $N$ random samples according to some distribution

2: simulate each of the samples and pick the best $n$

3: update the distribution from the which to sample

In [ ]:
a = np.array([-135.372, -1.584, -2.219, -0.660, -0.341, -0.342, -0.917, -0.760, -1.146, -0.555, -0.827, -0.646, -0.414, -1.929, -0.721, -0.338, -0.346, -0.985, -0.410, -0.427, -0.510, -0.694, -1.500, -0.586, -0.440, -0.940, -0.247, -0.455, -0.211, -0.823, -0.278, -1.456, -0.736, -0.343, -1.501, -1.591, -0.386, -0.446, -0.404, -0.300, -3.595, -0.446, -0.547, -0.474, -0.337, -0.985, -0.689, -0.902, -0.310, -0.579, -2.550, -0.721, -0.689, -0.360, -1.809, -0.348, -0.310, -0.500, -2.533, -0.376, -0.213, -1.411, -0.316, -0.461, -0.467, -0.661, -0.628, -0.816, -0.442, -0.381, -0.269, -1.025, -0.522, -0.759, -0.491, -0.460, -0.654, -0.498, -0.326, -0.572, -0.530, -0.552, -0.635, -1.215, -0.954, -0.309, -0.363, -0.575, -0.556, -0.802, -0.574, -1.428, -0.707, -1.794, -0.336, -0.322, -0.847, -0.424, -0.271, -0.991, -1.284, -0.701, -0.373, -0.427, -1.136, -0.745, -0.500, -0.362, -0.669, -0.298, -0.957, -3.324, -0.287, -0.725, -0.736, -1.176, -1.318, -0.519, -0.318, -0.351, -0.293, -0.493, -0.608, -0.409, -0.410, -0.747, -0.411, -0.963, -0.414, -0.392, -1.446, -0.590, -1.690, -0.580, -0.884, -0.291, -0.319, -0.586, -1.280, -0.363, -1.063, -0.896, -0.573, -0.533, -0.418, -2.153, -2.110, -0.503, -1.603, -0.441, -0.866, -0.369, -0.706, -0.512, -1.144, -2.927, -0.870, -0.311, -0.186, -0.503, -0.467, -0.368, -0.446, -1.097, -0.620, -0.666, -0.479, -0.457, -0.465, -0.371, -0.370, -0.308, -0.239, -1.027, -0.266, -0.479, -0.229, -1.506, -0.423, -2.805, -0.576, -0.333, -0.341, -0.292, -0.466, -1.011, -0.636, -0.550, -0.704, -0.842, -0.568, -0.497, -2.465, -0.752, -0.608, -0.312, -0.195, -0.504, -2.192, -0.736, -0.576, -0.473, -0.636, -0.620, -0.432, -0.313, -0.363, -0.497, -0.306, -1.084, -0.618, -0.363, -0.387, -0.572, -0.612, -0.376, -0.313, -0.530, -0.275, -0.974, -0.328, -0.325, -0.818, -1.162, -1.691, -0.331, -0.432, -0.448, -0.732, -0.327, -0.596, -0.895, -0.244, -2.087, -0.270, -0.302, -0.646, -0.740, -0.494, -0.444, -0.579, -0.577, -0.520, -1.460, -0.378, -1.142, -0.295, -0.341, -0.453, -0.863, -1.580, -1.693, -0.355, -0.225, -0.516, -0.508, -0.471, -0.719, -0.653, -0.368, -0.484, -0.332, -0.621, -0.546, -0.797, -0.449, -0.279, -0.479, -0.583, -0.521, -0.670, -0.577, -0.533, -0.494, -0.399, -0.615, -0.319, -0.752, -0.655, -1.075, -0.419, -2.039, -0.325, -0.341, -0.718, -0.434, -0.707, -0.593, -0.487, -0.459, -0.701, -0.415, -0.542, -0.541, -0.341, -0.705, -0.399, -0.400, -0.541, -0.787, -0.492, -1.103, -0.291, -0.437, -0.260, -0.808, -0.284, -0.441, -0.293, -0.374, -0.344, -0.612, -0.779, -0.712, -0.454, -0.429, -1.269, -1.019, -0.835, -0.868, -0.733, -0.533, -0.960, -1.109, -2.929, -0.468, -0.283, -2.248, -0.513, -0.349, -0.700, -0.826, -0.377, -0.452, -0.369, -1.485, -0.335, -5.649, -1.006, -0.677, -0.300, -1.134, -0.319, -0.403, -1.614, -1.273, -0.351, -0.203, -0.600, -0.535, -0.405, -0.440, -0.459, -0.290, -0.398, -0.431, -0.668, -0.380, -1.259, -0.738, -0.589, -3.801, -0.423, -0.381, -0.312, -0.714, -0.637, -0.382, -0.584, -0.281, -0.468, -0.468, -0.469, -1.994, -0.507, -0.462, -1.335, -0.535, -0.271, -0.728, -1.276, -1.071, -1.232, -0.597, -0.768, -0.987, -1.320, -0.344, -0.744, -0.852, -0.985, -0.420, -0.524, -1.018, -0.593, -0.312, -0.472, -0.332, -0.963, -0.518, -0.255, -0.259, -0.449, -1.370, -0.295, -0.570, -0.489, -0.910, -1.112, -0.362, -0.652, -0.190, -2.094, -0.283, -0.688, -0.567, -0.940, -0.408, -0.715, -0.340, -0.395, -1.142, -0.481, -0.827, -0.394, -0.385, -0.558, -0.313, -0.542, -0.451, -1.291, -0.845, -0.301, -0.392, -0.246, -0.433, -0.886, -0.200, -0.541, -0.381, -0.437, -0.569, -1.264, -1.146, -0.367, -0.768, -0.241, -1.041, -0.371, -0.592, -0.296, -0.934, -0.772, -0.253, -0.314, -0.960, -0.734, -0.537, -0.579, -0.684, -0.477, -0.635, -0.559, -0.529, -3.089, -0.550, -2.934, -0.271, -0.794, -1.209, -0.562, -0.492, -0.308, -0.708, -0.457, -6.474, -1.013, -0.631, -0.678, -0.423, -0.608, -0.336, -0.756, -0.305, -0.308, -0.633, -0.467, -0.240, -0.627, -0.599, -0.238, -1.278, -1.292, -0.382, -1.178, -0.329, -0.272, -0.549, -0.492, -0.687, -0.465, -0.957, -0.407, -0.497, -0.520, -0.259, -0.384, -1.593, -0.462, -1.878, -0.278, -0.295, -0.345, -0.508, -1.910, -0.414, -2.018, -0.448, -0.710, -0.251, -0.342, -0.718, -0.363, -0.774, -0.388, -0.281, -0.936, -0.303, -0.466, -0.547, -0.464, -0.289, -0.743, -1.052, -0.663, -0.429, -0.277, -0.338, -0.557, -0.429, -0.410, -0.449, -0.609, -0.562, -0.398, -0.298, -0.554, -1.103, -0.375, -0.400, -0.384, -0.536, -1.005, -0.612, -0.256, -1.612, -0.286, -1.515, -0.809, -0.370, -0.809, -0.293, -0.608, -0.582, -1.151, -0.376, -0.372, -1.325, -0.352, -1.379, -0.456, -0.309, -0.448, -0.550, -0.943, -0.753, -0.878, -0.783, -0.402, -1.717, -0.392, -1.922, -0.405, -0.324, -0.478, -0.742, -0.497, -0.438, -0.519, -0.738, -0.935, -0.828, -0.376, -0.503, -0.805, -0.323, -0.262, -0.530, -0.727, -0.390, -0.272, -2.180, -0.328, -0.648, -0.646, -0.453, -0.592, -0.365, -1.529, -1.335, -0.445, -0.885, -2.762, -0.694, -1.089, -0.349, -0.374, -0.722, -0.373, -0.594, -0.449, -0.901, -0.704, -0.476, -0.501, -1.083, -0.256, -0.797, -0.310, -1.071, -0.577, -0.631, -5.652, -0.462, -0.634, -0.226, -0.390, -0.405, -0.622, -5.784, -0.440, -0.655, -1.546, -0.350, -0.444, -0.635, -0.254, -1.101, -1.947, -0.734, -0.583, -0.692, -1.292, -0.357, -0.257, -0.491, -1.979, -2.039, -0.342, -0.384, -0.496, -0.452, -0.302, -0.422, -1.024, -0.322, -0.520, -0.336, -0.413, -0.546, -0.386, -0.371, -0.391, -0.266, -0.635, -0.294, -0.654, -0.455, -3.824, -0.719, -0.824, -0.344, -0.361, -0.461, -5.345, -5.908, -0.646, -0.639, -0.353, -0.780, -0.377, -0.323, -0.595, -0.389, -0.899, -0.277, -0.340, -3.367, -0.413, -0.548, -4.023, -0.377, -0.639, -0.548, -0.240, -0.438, -0.585, -0.489, -0.510, -0.496, -0.836, -0.637, -0.546, -2.030, -0.325, -1.175, -0.634, -0.377, -1.406, -0.435, -0.611, -1.036, -0.212, -0.653, -1.339, -0.626, -0.404, -0.369, -0.848, -3.549, -0.387, -0.374, -0.316, -1.268, -0.397, -0.448, -0.716, -0.782, -0.472, -0.510, -0.455, -1.978, -0.671, -0.488, -0.243, -0.811, -0.367, -0.614, -0.896, -0.280, -0.392, -1.039, -0.330, -0.765, -1.894, -0.399, -0.351, -2.029, -1.259, -0.983, -0.684, -0.465, -0.490, -0.509, -0.307, -0.758, -0.354, -0.735, -1.184, -1.038, -0.820, -0.623, -1.042, -0.485, -0.506, -0.434, -0.301, -0.299, -0.603, -0.381, -0.384, -0.810, -0.641, -0.526, -0.689, -0.302, -0.374, -0.580, -0.271, -0.289, -0.248, -1.600, -0.366, -0.283, -0.736, -0.623, -0.683, -1.178, -0.390, -0.303, -0.477, -0.608, -0.547, -0.489, -0.394, -0.401, -0.457, -0.609, -0.617, -0.307, -1.233, -1.418, -0.539, -0.672, -0.914, -0.482, -0.669, -1.575, -0.385, -0.242, -1.082, -0.779, -2.752, -0.525, -0.577, -0.569, -0.301, -1.072, -1.771, -0.475, -0.301, -1.041, -0.187, -1.346, -0.601, -0.337, -0.389, -0.666, -0.251, -0.760, -0.452, -0.585, -0.390, -0.420, -0.325, -0.544, -3.205, -0.520, -1.149, -1.139, -0.590, -1.614, -0.833, -0.401, -0.372, -0.505, -1.599, -0.474, -0.282, -0.316, -0.754, -0.820, -0.257, -0.256, -2.529, -1.125, -0.713, -0.966, -0.563, -0.615, -0.570, -1.148, -0.345, -0.313, -0.406, -0.292, -1.885, -1.137, -0.397, -0.310, -0.739, -0.598, -0.564, -0.310, -0.777, -0.490, -0.471, -0.398, -0.620, -0.453, -0.309, -0.719, -11.467, -3.115, -0.565, -0.294, -1.014, -0.626, -1.624, -0.438, -0.578, -0.257, -0.388, -0.326, -0.725, -0.313, -0.375, -1.192, -0.710, -0.788, -2.208, -0.318, -2.760, -0.634, -1.017, -0.730, -1.277, -1.381, -0.350, -1.145, -0.924, -0.338, -1.706, -0.961, -0.860, -4.125, -0.493, -0.784, -0.678, -0.538, -0.366, -0.365, -0.416, -0.774, -0.586, -0.675, -0.350, -0.543, -0.946, -0.564, -0.631, -0.968, -0.396, -1.688, -0.657, -0.981, -0.574, -0.633, -1.390, -0.327, -0.201, -0.408, -0.445, -0.271, -3.008, -1.303, -7.573, -5.027, -0.301, -0.708, -0.570, -0.352, -0.950, -1.109, -0.874, -0.645, -1.143, -1.099, -0.482, -2.171, -0.413, -0.676, -0.563, -0.930, -0.344, -0.408, -0.468, -0.885, -0.377, -0.446, -0.670, -0.478, -0.352, -0.385, -0.918, -1.085, -0.230, -1.035, -0.523, -0.406, -0.563, -0.306, -1.041, -0.690, -0.344, -0.700, -0.507, -0.776, -0.598, -0.499])


In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline 
pd.DataFrame(np.clip(a, -10, 0), columns=['reward']).plot(figsize=(12,7))
#.plot(figsize=(20,10), x)

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In [ ]: